Kid’s Educational Engagement Project
(KEEP Liberia)

Kids Engagement project started out of the desire to keep Liberian children academically engaged while schools are closed in Liberia due to the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak. Schools were closed indefinitely and that meant our children were thrown back in completing required academic school work.
They have been providing educational packets and support children ranging from Preschool and up to 6th grades along with reading materials to help build their vocabulary and reading skills.
This is a simple initiative that is supported by friends and people who see the need to keep this alive to reach as many children as we can and to ensure more children in Liberia are provided access to primary education, regardless of where they live in Liberia or their social status.
We provide various resources that would facilitate access to primary education by engaging with parents, community leadership, established community structures and other partners. KEEP seeks to promote social justice and development of vulnerable children and youth by strengthening their capacities.
GUD Project Proposal
Project Title
Project Costs
$2000 USD
KEEP operates 27 “reading rooms” which serve as educational hubs for the following programs:
- Advocacy: KEEP recognizes the many inequalities in Liberia, the need for people know their rights and to teach them how to advocate for their rights, advocates on several issues including child rights, violence against children, abuse, etc.
- Girls Empowerment: KEEP engages in women & girls’ empowerment, economic livelihood, access to justice, promotion of rights in schools.
- Life-smiles training: KEEP teaches young girls the craft of sewing, which is one of the meaningful trades that young women understand quickly.
GUD has an opportunity to create a meaningful partnership with KEEP which will lead to donations and in-kind donations for each reading room. The idea is to play a supporting role in uplifting and continuing the work that KEEP is currently doing in Liberia. We will start with a small donation of $2000.00 to be used to supply a new reading that is currently under construction.